My creative contribution to the universe

Hello Friend,

The year is coming to an end. I am excited about the new year. Yeah, I am one of those who get excited about beginnings. I am vain like that. Is there a better way to mark a new beginning than a new year? Twenty Twenty Two. Twenty Twenty Two. Just feel the newness.

Photo by Sebastian Voortman on

 I start making plans for the coming year in November and by December I am full mode on what things I am excited about in the coming new year. Like now, I am excited about growing my dreadlocks. They are around One and a half months. Two days ago, I felt like undoing them. I didn’t though. Now I am excited to see if throughout twenty twenty-two I will still be loc’d..

Right now, the only plans I have for the coming year are to hike 12 times, read 12 books and get serious about this blog. This year I have been to places(literally) because of the blog and so my mind has been drawn to how much potential it has.

 This morning, I woke up and thought to myself. “Why did you start this writing thing especially the blog?” I am struggling with consistency. This was just some little introspection on why.

In my adult life or at least since I got a smartphone and joined Twitter. And just a few months after learning about Chimamanda and feminism. I have always written long captions on my WhatsApp status. Cheers to being vain. After some time, I realized that not everyone can put sentences and words together and get meaning out of them with ease. Yet to me it was sort of natural. I realized I can write. I am not the best writer around. But I have good sentences. I can communicate in written English better than the average person. Also, I sometimes want to tell people storos about things. I often note and make stories out of scenarios that to an average person are just mundane experiences with nothing story-like. I realized I notice a lot of things that I can put in writing. I have opinions which I can put out there. I have personal experiences which I feel like sharing. But for what? As my creative contribution to the universe.

Photo by Sindre Stru00f8m on

See, I am one of those people who love thinking. I am a thinker. I love engaging my brain. I love looking for answers. However, I have realized that sometimes, things just happen. There is no reasoning behind them. No logic. In fact, if human existence might not have a why. It’s possible that there is no reason for our existence. It might just be a random occurrence that has no logic and reason behind it. You create meaning out of this existence. You decide how you want to contribute to existence.

When I started this writing thing my reasons were to share me. My brain, my experiences, my stories, my life, my world. The me that changes every so often. The me that resonates with you. The me that is human. Humanly faulty. Humanly dreamy. The human part that is similar with yours.

So as the year ends. I am excited about this blog.  I have plans to be consistent and get more serious about it. I want to invest my resources in it and see how it goes. It is possible that by the time the year gets to August I will have forgotten about these plans. I have learnt that maybe that’s just how life is. You plan and dream and desire. But somehow, life still takes it cause. But even when the cause of life changes, I want to continue sharing me. This is my creative contribution to the universe.

Bye Friend.